
How to Pack Up Baby for Day-Care

Ask a new mother who is returning to work about the most intimidating aspect of day care and she may very well respond: packing up and transporting baby, bottles, diapers, clothes and toys in time to get to the office before lunch.

Ann Gambrell, a Los Angeles-based professional organizer (and mother) makes the following suggestions for parents struggling with the need to make a quick getaway.

Develop a routine for both the night before and the morning. Choose your own clothes, checking buttons and wrinkles, so you can avoid the last-minute frustrations of getting yourself dressed. Get a big tote bag and pack it. Consider using a mini-bag inside the larger tote for the absolute essentials, such as a bottle, diaper and wipes.


Set up your coffee, pack any lunches and put the dry cleaning and any other errand-related items in the trunk of the car the night before.

Consider hanging a checklist near the door, listing the things you need to bring or do before you leave. Briefcase? Any medications for the baby? Answering machine on? Lunches in hand?

Make a tote bag checklist, wrap it in plastic and keep it in the bag. Not only will it help you ensure that everything is packed, but if your spouse, friend or relative is there to pitch in, nothing will be forgotten.


Try to get up 15 minutes earlier than the rest of the family, just to get a head start on the day. Just sipping coffee--alone--or going outside to check the vegetable garden can give you the right start on the day.

Place all items to go in front of the door. It’s hard to forget things you trip over.
