
Local News in Brief : Animal Sacrifice Probe

Los Angeles County supervisors Tuesday ordered an investigation into ritualistic animal sacrifices in religious ceremonies and indicated they may legislate against the practice.

“I do not believe we should tolerate animals to be used for sacrifice in some religions,” Supervisor Kenneth Hahn said. “I think we should thoroughly investigate this and stop it.”

The board action comes as authorities reported finding growing numbers of disfigured and slaughtered animals believed to be used by followers of Santeria, an Afro-Cuban religion that sacrifices animals as a form of worship.


The board proposal, authored by Supervisor Mike Antonovich, directs the county counsel to investigate Santeria cases and explore possible ordinances to ban the practice. In the city of Los Angeles, a proposed ordinance that would outlaw the sacrificing or maiming of animals for religious purposes is before the Board of Animal Regulations.
