
Duarte : 50% on Recycling Wagon

About half of this city’s households are participating in a voluntary trash recycling program that began in May, according to city officials.

Karen Nobrega, administrative assistant in the Community Services Department, said the high participation rate is due in part to an economic incentive and the fact that the recycling effort includes grass clippings and weeds, in addition to newspapers, glass, aluminum, tin and plastic bottles.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Aug. 21, 1988 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday August 21, 1988 Home Edition San Gabriel Valley Part 9 Page 2 Column 2 Zones Desk 2 inches; 38 words Type of Material: Correction
A story in the San Gabriel Valley section Thursday incorrectly listed trash collection rates in the city of Duarte. The monthly rates for households are $6 for those who use a 60-gallon bin and $7.35 for those using a 90-gallon bin, with a $2 charge for each additional bin.

Residents can save money by recycling because trash rates are based on the size and number of trash barrels households use for trash that is not separated for recycling.


A family that puts all its unseparated trash in one 60-gallon can pays $7.35 a month for trash collection, whereas a family that uses a 90-gallon container pays $8.90. There are additional charges for each additional container.
