
Glendale Teachers Propose Pay Goals

The Glendale Teachers Assn. proposed Tuesday that the 1988-1989 contract between the teachers and the Glendale Board of Education place Glendale in the top third of county school districts in all pay categories.

The teacher group did not make specific dollar proposals.

Mark Desetti, association president, gave the proposal to the board and said the district “deserves a failing grade” in most areas.

The teachers asked elimination of the requirement of a master’s degree to reach the top of the salary scale.


“We’re maintaining that it encourages teachers to make a choice between having a well-rounded professional growth program and not advancing in salary or doing some quickie master’s degree for the money that won’t help your teaching one bit,” Desetti said.

The teachers asked for extra pay for non-instructional supervision duty. Desetti said teachers lose valuable class preparation time while monitoring hallways and chaperoning students, “menial tasks that rob teachers of time they need for preparation and diminish their professional status.”

The proposal calls for school intercom systems so teachers can talk to the main office without leaving the classroom, and for adequate emergency supplies in the event of a natural disaster such as an earthquake.


The school district will present its proposal next month.
