
Trash Patrol on Griffith Park Trails

While I appreciate the coverage given us in the Glendale Section of the Los Angeles Times, “Sierra Club’s Hikers Hit the Trail for Trash”, July 14, 1988, I must find fault with the comment that the Griffith Park area “wasn’t that dirty to begin with.”

After consulting with most of the hike leaders involved, I can only conclude that the group that your reporter accompanied was not typical. There were nine different hikes that evening, and 200 large trash sacks were distributed among the hikers. The number of bags of trash collected by each group ranged from four to 20, with an average per group of about 12. My group, which had a smaller number of hikers than most other groups, collected 13 large bags of trash, and if time and bags had permitted, we could have collected at least 20 more.

I very nearly missed this article, because I don’t get the Glendale Section. Griffith Park is used by many people outside the Glendale Area. Don’t you think that another section of your newspaper would have been more appropriate?



Griffith Park Hikes Committee Chair, Sierra Club
