
The State - News from Aug. 21, 1988

A month ago, a judge ordered the San Francisco Press Club to give female members the same access as men to its indoor pool, but many male members are resisting the ruling by continuing to swim in the nude. “I consider myself a tough administrator, but this has been a real eye-opener for me,” said acting club manager Joyce Cirimelli. She said the men “act like it’s their kingdom down there.” About 180 of the club’s 1,800 members are women. A female club member filed a discrimination suit against the club, prompting Superior Court Judge Maxine Chesney to order the club to immediately end its practice of restricting the hours female members could use the pool and locker room. Cirimelli told the San Francisco Chronicle that she has posted a copy of the judge’s ruling in the pool area and a notice saying that members who want to swim must wear bathing suits, but many men are still swimming in the buff.
