
Bush Asks Restraint in Protests of Foe

From a Times Staff Writer

Anti-abortion demonstrators disrupting political appearances by Democratic presidential nominee Michael S. Dukakis have gone “too far” and must exercise restraint, Republican nominee George Bush said Wednesday.

“I would ask that any supporters of mine resist carrying their right to demonstrate to an extreme,” Bush told reporters aboard Air Force Two as he flew here from Lexington, Ky.

Dukakis has been plagued by noisy and determined protesters along the campaign trail. On Tuesday in Illinois, fist fights broke out with frustrated Dukakis supporters.


“The American people know my position on right to life . . . favoring adoption over abortion. Yesterday at a Dukakis political event, the demonstrators, who have every right to demonstrate, went too far,” Bush said.

“What they did was come up against another freedom, the freedom to express contrary opinions.”

Shipyard workers who booed Bush Tuesday in Portland, Ore., were something different, the vice president said, because at least he was allowed to be heard.
