
Revised Smog Inspection Bill

The Legislature is to be congratulated. The revision of the smog program is going to cost California car owners billions of dollars, and as newer vehicles come under the program, this expense will increase every year. But what about the alleged purpose of the program? Is all of this going to alleviate smog, or simply legalize the performance of unnecessary work by repair shops? Is all of this going to result in even five cents worth of improvement?

The fact is that the basic problem arises from the way internal combustion engines operate. The technology for producing clean automotive power has been available for years but would require a major redesign, something the industry understandably is reluctant to do. If there was any honesty in all of this, then clean automotive power would be mandated, and not these fraudulent and worthless inspection programs.

Private transportation seems to have become a favorite target of special interests. The current status of auto insurance and smog programs in California reflect that.



Los Angeles
