
Local News in Brief : ‘Hillside Strangler’s’ Libel Suit Dismissed

A federal judge has dismissed “Hillside Strangler” Kenneth Bianchi’s libel lawsuit against Good Housekeeping magazine and author Darcy O’Brien, noting that the convicted killer already has a tarnished reputation.

Bianchi, imprisoned for life at the Washington State Penitentiary in Walla Walla for the rape-murders of two Western Washington University students and 10 Hillside Strangler killings in the Los Angeles area, filed the libel suit in November alleging inaccuracies in two magazine articles and a book by O’Brien.

Bianchi contended that the articles inaccurately linked him to crimes for which he has not been convicted and alleged his privacy had been invaded.


The magazine contended that, because of his convictions for rape, sodomy and murder, Bianchi’s reputation could not be further damaged, and U.S. District Judge Justin Quackenbush agreed.
