
Discounts for Europe

American Marketing, a Paris-based company, has published a “Half-Price Europe 1988” booklet containing discounts on 382 establishments in 15 European countries.

The coupons offer either 50% discounts or two-for-one deals for hotels, restaurants, stores, nightclubs, car rentals, sightseeing attractions, museums, theaters and entertainment and sporting events.

Hotel coupons give 50% off, while restaurants offer the two-for-one benefit.

Sightseeing attractions might offer either the 50% discount or a two-for-one deal. Stores generally offer 50% discounts on selected items.


Countries covered are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, West Germany, Holland, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Great Britain. Most of the discounts, however, are in France, Italy, Switzerland, Great Britain and Israel.

Among the hotels in the program are 28 Sheratons in Europe and some Hyatts and Holiday Inns. Edwardian Hotels in Great Britain and Concord Hotels in France also are in the program.

Major hotels down to modest properties are involved, but all rooms have bathrooms and there are no restrictions.


This year’s offer ends Dec. 31. A 1989 version will be announced in December. The 1988 booklet is $60. The 1989 version will cost $65, plus $4.50 for postage and handling. The book can be ordered by phone, using your credit card.

American Marketing, which published its first “Half-Price Europe” book in 1987, also offers “Half-Price France” and “Half- Price England,” each containing about 200 coupons. The cost of the 1988 versions is $15, plus $4.50 for mailing charges.

In 1989 the publisher plans to introduce “Half-Price Israel” and “Half-Price South America.” No cost set yet.


Contact American Marketing at its U.S. outlet, 5260 N.W. 15th St., Margate, Fla. 33063, phone (305) 975-7823.

In Europe, copies can be bought at the company’s headquarters: 64 Ave. Henri-Martin, 75116 Paris, France. Prices in Paris are the same as in the United States.

A smaller version of the “1988 Half-Price Europe” book is available through AT&T.; This edition covers 13 countries and focuses on the capitals. It costs $15 and can be ordered by calling AT&T; toll-free at (800) 426-8700.
