
Presidential Campaigning

In reading the article on pollution (Part I, Sept. 29), I am disturbed to find that both presidential candidates are vague on their positions concerning environmental issues, and both seem to have neglected environmental problems in the past. My concern stems from the fact that at 19 years of age, my hope for a bright future is already obscured by a cloud of uncertainty on my future existence.

Although I am glad to see important environmental issues addressed in the campaign platforms, I question the candidates’ true intentions, and whether or not they are going to become environmentally active when either one assumes office. My doubts seem justified by their previous poor performance on environmental issues. For example, Dukakis postponed the cleanup of the Boston Harbor, probably the dirtiest harbor in the U.S., and Bush relaxed regulations on treating toxic wastes and testing new pesticides.

Since the environment has been mistreated the last eight years, I realize the next President must restore our environment because the people are fed up with the Great Communicator’s illusive talk. After all neither candidate has the charisma and dynamism to fool the people this time.



Los Angeles
