
Culture’s Price in S.D.; Column Strikes Chord

How right you are, Mr. Harper!

An avid theatergoer, a devotee of the arts, I am one of the victims you write about in your ArtsBeat column (Oct. 20). I speak for myself, although I should include my husband as well.

Due to the high prices we are shut out of the theater we love, the museums we used to visit frequently, and even the San Diego park attractions to which, years ago, we always bought yearly subscriptions.

I am frequently called on the phone asking us to renew a subscription to the Old Globe or to La Jolla Playhouse, and my response is always the same, “You have priced us out--we cannot afford you any longer. We now have to pick and choose.”


This is exactly what we do now--one or two plays a year, an occasional visit to an outstanding art show at the museum, a rare visit to little theater. I feel such a void in my life because I cannot participate more often in what had become a way of life for us, particularly in the years we have been living in San Diego County.


