
Dan Quayle Bashing

After reading your “scorn of Quayle” article, I feel compelled to make the following remarks:

Quayle should have had the sense to refuse the office of vice president, but then again he should never have been asked in the first place. His biggest sin was in not resisting temptation.

The continued ridicule of Quayle is more an indictment of the tastelessness of the American public than the man himself. The man has three young impressionable children. Could the nation obsessed with the safety of three whales be as mindful of the health of three fragile psyches?


All the ridicule in the world will not make Quayle a better vice president. It has, in fact, hampered him in getting a top quality staff.

Like most of my friends who voted for Gov. Michael Dukakis, I too pray often for Bush’s good health. But now that the shock of my ineffective ballot has worn off, I must contend with things as they are and do my best not to make things worse. I must work within the framework, and when Bush’s hand comes off the Bible I must be part of a whole again.


