
Dan Quayle Bashing

I’m getting sick and tired of “Quayle” bashing (“Scorn of Quayle Builds Despite GOP Victory,” Part I, Nov. 21). Why doesn’t everybody just get off this man’s back and give him a chance to do his job?

I can understand all the sore losers in the Democratic Party, but what really ticks me off is the way Vice President-elect Dan Quayle’s own party is treating him!

I’ve always supported the Reagans, and even when they’ve made some bad mistakes I’ve defended them--after all, nobody’s perfect. But when they neglected to invite Quayle to the White House dinner for British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, I was shocked and disappointed! Maybe Nancy Reagan doesn’t like Quayle and his wife, but that’s no excuse for such a breach of protocol, and, in my opinion, was just plain vindictive and cruel. What a slap in the face to every member of the Quayle family, and especially his children, who are the innocent little victims of all this “scorn and ridicule.”


I’m also very disappointed in President-elect George Bush’s treatment of him and I hope he makes amends soon.

As for Johnny Carson and David Letterman, those two tasteless talk show hosts, and their cheap shots at our new vice president, they’re just like two nasty little schoolboy bullies picking on an underdog!


Manhattan Beach
