
A Charged Idea

An idea recently occurred to me that may be worthy of community support. Because San Diego is considering buying out San Diego Gas & Electric, how about going ahead and acquiring the Chargers as well? Just ponder the plethora of possibilities:

Lighting the stadium would be absolutely free, and Charger fans may be eligible to apply for a rebate on ticket prices from the Public Utilities Commission.

As part of incentive clauses for free agents, the city/Chargers could offer such bonuses as light bulbs, generators, consulting fees and preferred stock.


The mayor, in her spare time, could coach the team.

We could trade Tom Page and Steve Ortmayer for a Tucson utility and a substance-abusing linebacker to be named later.

As part of the Russian arts festival, the Chargers might scrimmage with members of the Kirov Ballet. Perhaps the San Diego Chicken could hatch out of a giant Faberge egg during halftime and do a humorous rendition of Swan Lake.

If all this wouldn’t give that mean old ogre of a Howard Allen from Southern California Edison fits, I don’t know what will. Think about it, San Diego. SDG&E; and the Chargers . . . what an electric combo! Why, everybody, not just the skinheads, could go out and paint the old town red.



Imperial Beach
