
SCR Fan Makes an Appeal Too

I find it very interesting to note that any entity that has gained some recognition is suddenly very vulnerable to attack by the L.A. Times writers.

One wonders: Why the desire to attack when success is achieved? Is it simply the nature of the game? Or is it something much more complex? Whatever it is, I resent it. This time, Randy Lewis has attacked something very near and dear to me: South Coast Repertory Theatre (“Need $10,000? Let’s See, Just Where’s That Wallet?,” Calendar March 5).

Last year, SCR won a Tony Award for outstanding regional theater, and it swept the Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle Awards for its production of “Misalliance.” It has been nominated again this year for its production of “The Crucible.” Success!


I have been a very active fund-raiser for SCR for 9 years. My level of involvement is through the Theatre Guild of SCR. Membership is $35 per year. We organize fund-raisers to help the theater put on the productions mentioned above. We raise approximately $100,000 most years, and it comes in many forms, from many wonderful people. SCR appreciates the smaller donor just as much as the large donor being appealed to by Mrs. Richard J. Flamson III.

With $3 million being slashed from the California arts budget by Gov. George Deukmejian, it is important that we all participate in any way we can, be it in time or money.

The arts should be a part of everyone’s life. SCR is doing a great deal in the community to foster that. It has a Neighborhood Conservatory outreach program that includes introducing children to the world of theater.


It has joined the community effort to defuse gang violence with an anti-gang play that will tour area schools in March. ( Editor’s note: See story on Page 1.) Their educational touring production is in its 10th year and reaches thousands of children.


El Toro
