
‘Don’t Close Youth Camps’

The editorial (“Don’t Close the Youth Camps,” April 18) carries the erroneous implication that the probation camp closures are compelled by the governor’s $10-million reduction in Probation Department funding. In fact, an additional much greater $32.9-million cut in the department’s budget has been mandated by the L.A. County chief administrative officer. The combined county and state budget reductions, not the governor’s cut alone, have forced the decision to close the 14 juvenile camps.

The 50-year-old probation juvenile camp program stands as the most effective existing program to rehabilitate youthful offenders in this county. Each year 4,000 youthful offenders are provided a structured environment, discipline and remedial education which have been lacking in their lives. In many instances, the camp program represents this community’s last opportunity to enable a troubled youngster to become a productive, law-abiding citizen.

The proposed budget reductions deal a devastating blow to the juvenile justice system in Los Angeles County. Youthful offenders will be deprived of much-needed educational and treatment programs. Moreover, public safety will be endangered by the large number of youths who necessarily will be returned to the community instead of placed in a supervised environment offered by the camps.


On behalf of the 60 Juvenile Court judges, commissioners and referees in Los Angeles County, I applaud your editorial opposition to the threatened closure of the juvenile camps.


Presiding Judge

Los Angeles County Juvenile Court
