

Miles Corwin does full justice to the controversy surrounding William Saroyan in his roundup “Saroyan Friends, Fresno Boosters in ‘Hoopla’ Fight,” Part I, April 30. During my recent visit to Fresno, I was very much aware that Fresno was indeed Saroyan country and it’s certainly understandable that Armenians of one faction would seek this recognition. After all, they are basically motivated by their gratitude to Saroyan for making their existence as an ethnic group acceptable. Isn’t this what affirmative action is all about?

William Saroyan was a compelling personality throughout his lifetime; apparently he will continue to be eternally which, in itself, is a tribute to his greatness. In some ways, he is akin to Lord Byron who proclaimed: “There is that in me which shall tire, Torture and time and breathe when I expire.”


Los Angeles
