
Alhambra : Food Container Ban Studied

The City Council voted 5 to 0 Monday to approve in concept a policy prohibiting restaurants and retail food vendors from using plastic foam and non-biodegradable plastic packaging materials containing chlorofluorocarbons, which scientists say damage the Earth’s ozone layer and contribute to global warming.

The vote authorized city staff members to draft an ordinance banning such products and to meet with business owners who may be affected by a ban.

In a report to the City Council, Dennis Danner, director of administrative services, said that banning non-biodegradable packaging materials will help reduce litter, save landfill space and send a message to the plastics industry that it should find substitute materials that are less harmful to the environment.


Cities such as Los Angeles, Berkeley and San Francisco have already banned non-biodegradable packaging materials. The ban in Los Angeles goes into effect July 1. In the San Gabriel Valley, Duarte is also considering a ban.
