
Weekend TV : ABC Will Air First ‘Star Trek’ Sequel; ‘Masterpiece Theatre’ Sets 6-Part Follow-up

Daunted by the megalines for the latest “Star Trek” movie sequel now playing at a theater near you? Stay home. The entire crew of the Enterprise will pop up on the small screen this weekend as well.

Hoping to capitalize on “Star Trek” mania, ABC will air the first sequel of the films, “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan,” Sunday at 8:30 p.m. (7)(3) (10)(42). A younger William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy star in this 1982 blockbuster based on the 1967 television episode, “The Space Seed.”

In other sequels, “The Bretts II,” a six-part follow-up to the first “Masterpiece Theatre” series about an eccentric family of actors, premieres on Channel 28 Sunday at 9 p.m. It started last Sunday on Channels 50, 24 and 15.


Meanwhile, State Insurance Commissioner Roxani Gillespie, the woman at the center of California’s insurance controversy, will be interviewed on Channel 2’s “Newsmakers” Sunday at 2 p.m.
