
Rose Says He’s Tired but Signs Autographs--$15

Associated Press

Pete Rose said he was tired but felt fine Friday during a two-hour autograph-signing session at a memorabilia show that was occurring while his lawyers in Cincinnati fought to block a hearing on gambling allegations against him.

Rose, accompanied by two police officers, signed his name from behind a curtain for autograph seekers who paid a $15 fee to the promoter of the baseball memorabilia show. Patrons could not bring cameras behind the curtain.

Promoter Michael Bertolini said Rose would receive a percentage of the show’s profits but would not say how much.


Several reporters who paid the $15 fee were asked to leave by police after asking questions.

“I’m tired; other than that I’m fine,” Rose said. “I got in from Atlanta at 3:30 last night and left Cincinnati this morning at 6.”

Rose flew back at 1 p.m., EDT, to manage the Reds in Friday night’s game against the Dodgers in Cincinnati.


In that city, a state judge delayed until Sunday a decision on blocking a hearing by baseball Commissioner Bart Giamatti.

Rose sued the commissioner this week, charging that Giamatti was biased and should not be allowed to rule on gambling allegations. If Rose was found to have bet on baseball, he could be suspended for a year. Betting on the Reds could result in a lifetime suspension.
