
Approaching the Homeless Problem

Clearly, the writing is on the wall: There’s no place called home--in Orange County, that is--for far too many people!

It’s criminal that people must call a bridge home. But home it has been for far too many people until the county’s Environmental Management Agency began to erect large walls with rocks. An interesting approach to homelessness.

It is shameful that people must urinate and defecate under bridges like animals, as well as sleep and eat in that same spot.


It is reassuring to know that the county “will exercise compassion” as it addresses the homeless who have been found living between a rock and a hard place.

Let these recent events serve as a reminder of what the real problems are that the homeless face: Street people need shelter. Street people need facilities where they can shower or wash. Street people need restroom facilities.

You think you’ve lost everything, and then you lose your dignity!


