
NORTH : ANAHEIM : Laid-Off Workers to Get Counseling Help

The city will be managing a new federal program to help local workers who have been notified they will be laid off because of work-force reductions or plant closures.

The City Council voted unanimously this week to approve a list of agencies that will counsel workers about to be laid off on how to write resumes, handle interview techniques and search for new jobs. The program is part of the federal Plant Closure Act approved by Congress last year.

“We want to get these people out of the doldrums and into gainful employment as quickly as possible,” said Al McCord, Anaheim’s director of economic development.


The program will be offered to Anaheim workers who are laid off in groups of 50 or more. The last layoff of that size in Anaheim was at Laura Scudder last year, McCord said.

Among the local service agencies handling the program are the North Orange County Community College District and the UAW-Labor Employment and Training Corp. The agencies were selected by the Anaheim Private Industry Council.
