

For dedicated gardeners, here are suggestions from the California Assn. of Nurserymen:

* Check bottlebrush, azaleas, gardenias and citrus for chlorosis; use fertilizers with chelating materials or iron chelates to bring foliage back to normal.

* To “harden off” subtropical and tropical plants that are subject to frost damage, cut back on watering; hold off pruning until new growth starts next spring.

* Prepare for spring right now by planting bulbs, shrubs, trees, perennials and more.

* Many begonias will hang on through October if you remember to feed and water them.

* Because most camellias set too many buds, thin them out now so you’ll have bigger and better blooms later on; leave no more than one bud on a tip.


* Cool season color can be planted now in the form of delphiniums, primroses and columbine.
