
The Huntington Beach Proposal for Golf Course

It is amazing how far $200,000 will go in Huntington Beach. That’s the revenue promised to the city by the developer of a proposed golf course in Central Park. The mayor says it will go to fight gangs. Funny thing, the Police Department says gangs are not a big problem in the city. And the P.D. hopes they never will be.

Councilman Jim Silva says the city needs more police officers. Absolutely. The high-density dwellings have all the rats fighting each other. He better get more cops.

Councilman John Erskine is still deciding how many times the council can “change its mind” on issues. Perhaps he’ll be forced to make a decision based on what the voters want, not what his cohorts want.


As for poor Mayor Pro Tem Tom Mays, the other four don’t much care what he does anymore. He had the audacity to ask for another survey on Central Park uses in the first place. Talk about a disaster. Ask the people--outrageous!

Council members Grace Winchell and Peter M. Green both know the real answers to how to spend the money. You don’t. Because the course should not be rammed down our throats in the first place.


Huntington Beach
