
Right-Wing Politics in Orange County

Our readers wrote letters throughout 1989 expressing their viewpoints on a variety of issues. Here are condensed versions of some of those letters. We appreciate their taking the time to share their viewpoints and look forward to hearing from more of them in 1990.

These are happy times for California right-wingers.

Orange County Reps. Robert K. Dornan and William E. Dannemeyer, having dutifully pledged liberty and justice for all, petition the Irvine City Council to withhold its equal-opportunity ordinance.

Dannemeyer sends The Times a Bible-thumping jeremiad against homosexuals.

Dornan becomes man of the hour for the Republicans, those law-and-order types who hired guards to police the polls in Latino precincts and brought Oliver North to Orange County as a hero.


A pastor in Huntington Beach welcomes into his church Jew-haters who claim to disbelieve the Holocaust.

The National Rifle Assn. defends the right of an unregulated one-man militia to bear an AK-47. It’s a sporting weapon, the NRA says, capable of pumping 20 bullets into a savage buck deer in seconds.

It’s hard to remember that we live in a kinder, gentler age.


Laguna Niguel
