

“What you see is what you get” with our Mayor Maureen, and it has been so since her first race for city council, when she wore her princess clothes to the delight of everyone, and had no “issue” except her famous “open door.” Maureen is not as intelligent as her twin, but she is also not mean-spirited, and she’s blessed with liking people, and people respond. She gave us a wonderful party, and it is still going on in Balboa Park to capacity crowds. She doesn’t look like a man, nor act like a man, thank goodness, and she has proved effective in ways that count to the average person.

We have had too many hard-headed, insensitive, and corrupt politicians and businessmen running San Diego for 30 years--some real dingbats--to the point of looking like “the banana republic of the Southwest”. We needed a calmer city government.

Your paper is usually excellent in coverage, but not this time. Take a look at who else San Diegans have overwhelmingly endorsed before you came on the scene--even afterward: Nixon, with his “promise” to end the Vietnam War, and dressed the White House in what looked like Middle Ages livery; Reagan, who never read anything but his file cards, and didn’t know an issue from a hole in the ground; and Sneaky Pete--whom you seem to be bent on anointing, as was done before by our local media.


Come talk to the people, as Maureen does, and learn that many voted for Pete Wilson as senator to get him out of San Diego, so he couldn’t do any more harm here!

