
San Gabriel : Zone Change for Theater

Progress toward construction of a 2,100-seat multiscreen theater at the southwest corner of Arroyo Parkway and Green Street advanced Tuesday with a zoning change that provides less-stringent parking and design requirements for the $8.89-million project.

Under the change approved by the Board of Directors, the Arroyo Cinema Plaza Project will provide 420 parking spaces instead of 559 and will be subject to design review under Old Pasadena district guidelines instead of the more specific Downtown Pasadena district guidelines.

Director Rick Cole cast the lone vote against the zoning change, saying developer George Krikorian will no longer be required to provide parking for an estimated 100 employees who will hold jobs in the structure, “I think the record should be clear,” Cole said. “Break after break after break has been accorded to Mr. Krikorian in order to make this innovative project work.”


Plans call for a five-story, 79,510-square-foot complex that will include an 11-screen theater, 8,214 square feet of retail space, 24,379 square feet for offices and a 3,980-square-foot restaurant. Two years ago, the directors approved a $1.5-million loan to Krikorian to help his secure the land for the project.
