
Bellflower : Council Asks Halt to Malathion Aerial Spraying

The Bellflower City Council has unanimously approved a resolution asking state officials to stop the aerial spraying of malathion in Los Angeles County.

The resolution, passed at Monday night’s meeting after numerous residents expressed fear for their health, asks that the spraying be stopped until a conclusive study is conducted proving that the insecticide will not harm adults and children.

“If there is any doubt about whether this is safe for humans then it should be stopped,” Councilman Bill Pendleton said. “Human life is more important than an apple.”


The resolution, which will be mailed to Gov. George Deukmejian and other elected officials, also asks that an alternative to aerial malathion spraying be found to eradicate the Mediterranean fruit fly.

Malathion has been sprayed over Bellflower five times in the last two months.
