
Culver City : City Alters Work Schedule

City Hall will close every other Friday to help meet anti-pollution standards by reducing the number of vehicle trips by city employees, the City Council decided Monday.

The new schedule, to start April 2, will affect about a third of the city’s employees but will not affect services, such as police, fire and maintenance crews, according to personnel director Gordon Youngs.

City Hall will open 30 minutes earlier, at 7:30 a.m., and close 30 minutes later, at 5:30 p.m., on days of operation. The affected employees will therefore still be working 80 hours during each two-week period.


By closing every 10th day, Culver City will almost reach the goal of 1 1/2 city employees per vehicle arriving to work set by the South Coast Air Quality Management District, Youngs said. Failure to reach this goal could result in heavy fines for the city.

The council voted 3 to 2 to approve the new hours, with Councilmen Jim Boulgarides and Steven Gourley dissenting.

The majority felt that sacrificing one Friday of public access to city offices is necessary to avoid the fines and help clean the air. Boulgarides and Gourley, however, said City Hall should be open five days a week and that the city could meet the anti-pollution standards through other means.


April 6 is the first Friday City Hall will close due to the new hours, Youngs said.
