
Stereotypes Still ‘Outside the Fold’

Regarding “Why Marry Outside of the Fold?” (Jan. 23): The article reads like something dated 1890 instead of 1990. Are there still people who stereotype males and females in those roles? Does any individual aware of the economic and social conditions in our world today feel that Jewish women sit around hoping for a passive, successful but unsexy Jewish man to make her life complete?

And as for that man who was quoted as saying he “would never marry a Jewish woman to avoid giving a Jewish mother to his children,” on behalf of the Jewish women of America, I would like to thank him--he’s one to avoid.

When will people realize that a Jewish mother comes in all sizes, shapes, religions and races? It’s a heart that makes a Jewish mother, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. By the way, Jewish mothers come in the male gender, too. Bill Cosby is probably a Jewish mother.


FLO LEVY, Studio City
