
Bernson Urges Denial of Waiver for Arcade

A North Hollywood sex bookstore and video arcade should not be granted a waiver to allow it to remain open beyond March, 1991, Councilman Hal Bernson, chairman of the Los Angeles City Council’s planning committee, concluded Tuesday.

Bernson’s recommendation--to be forwarded to the full council for review--denied an appeal from Jason’s II, an arcade at 6408 Tujunga Ave. If the council denies the appeal, owner Stuart Parr will be forced to close.

The arcade had filed for permission to operate at the Tujunga Avenue site until March 6, 1991. Under a city ordinance passed in 1986, sexually oriented businesses were barred from operating within 500 feet of residentially zoned property after May, 1988, unless they receive a special waiver from the city.


All waivers are scheduled to expire by March 6, 1991.

Jason’s II sought the waiver, but zoning officials said the shop was ineligible because it operated as both a bookstore and a video arcade on the same premises.
