
5 Sailors Charged With 32 Drug Offenses

Five Long Beach sailors--one of them a law enforcement officer--were charged Tuesday with 32 drug-related offenses, including distributing drugs and tampering with urinalysis tests, the Navy announced Tuesday.

The charges, filed after a seven-month investigation, included using and distributing marijuana and a crystal form of methamphetamine known as “ice.” The alleged crimes took place on and off the guided missile frigate John A. Moore at the Long Beach Naval Station, where the men are assigned, said Lt. Cmdr. Steve Chesser.

Radioman Chief David Riley, the ship’s “head policeman,” was charged with using methamphetamines and compromising urinalysis tests by substituting urine samples and forewarning sailors when they would be tested, officials said. Also charged were sailors Alden Hendrickson, Kevin McPike, Thomas Hawley and Lonnie Fessler. All five face possible court-martial, Chesser said.
