

We hereby express our appreciation of a most humane article “The Forgotten Hostages: Lebanese” (Part A, April 2). The perceptive writer, Marilyn Raschka, has dealt with a thorny subject that is much ignored by the international as well as Lebanese media.

Indeed, in the general anarchy, thousands of innocent Lebanese citizens have been abducted not only because of their religion, but also because of their courage to speak their minds, their peacemaking efforts or their prominence in the community.

One of the forgotten hostages is our father, Sarkis Zeitlian, a Lebanese editor-in-chief of Armenian origin who was kidnaped on his way to work on March 28, 1985, at a time when many Lebanese and foreign journalists and media persons disappeared.


In our ordeal we are comforted to know that there are still people who care to remember the forgotten hostages and the anguish of their families.


Los Angeles
