
National City

A robbery suspect was arrested Monday after an attempt to steal a car outside a doughnut shop failed.

Lt. Merrell Davis of the National City Police Department said a man armed with a .45-caliber handgun approached another man in the 1500 block of Highland Avenue about 6:15 p.m. and demanded his car keys.

The gunman grabbed the man’s keys and jumped in his car. But the would-be thief was unable to take the car because the steering wheel had an anti-theft device on it, Davis said. While the gunman was attempting to steal the car, a witness called National City police.


When two officers and a police dog arrived, the thief fled. The police dog chased the suspect and bit him a couple of times, forcing him to drop his weapon, Davis said. The dog was called back by its handler and the chase continued several blocks toward Plaza Boulevard. Officer Lynn Martinez and Detective Mark Musgrove caught the man on Plaza Boulevard. Glenn James, 21, was arrested on suspicion of attempted auto theft, armed robbery and resisting arrest.
