
‘Muckraking’ Papers Needed

I want to thank your writer Tim Waters for his splendid article regarding “Silencing an Outspoken Publisher.”

We need more muckraking papers, such as The Monitor, to make the politicians more attentive to the people’s problems.

During the ‘20s and ‘30s, we had the great and famous muckraker (the late) Lincoln Steffens. Unfortunately, we do not have anyone like him now.


I support Enrica Stuart and subscribe to her muckraking quarterly publication, which happens to be a thorn in the side of some politicians. In my opinion, periodicals like hers are important to our society and there should be one in every small community to keep the residents informed.

It is Enrica Stuart’s right as a citizen, resident and property owner to confront her City Council the same as any other person.

Let’s have more democracy than less.


San Pedro
