
Quince Street Bridge

Regarding The Quince Street Foot Bridge (“Quince Street Bridge, 1905 Landmark, Reopens,” Aug. 22).

A 1987 survey showed that fewer than 60 people per day used the bridge, mostly the same people.

A professional consultant recommended tearing down the bridge in 1987.

Our City Council, knowing the above, and crying poor, spent at least $250,000 to restore this bridge, which reopened Aug. 21.


I think that the bridge should be renamed “The Pork Barrel Wooden Bridge of Quinct St.,” as it is obviously made from genuine pork barrel planks. The splinters of these planks are now stuck in the backsides of our homeless, seniors, latchkey kids, police, and every tax-paying citizen of the city of San Diego.

The mayor and City Council should hang their heads in shame over this shameful example of largess and continued inability to focus on our real needs and priorities.


San Diego
