
Neighborly Thing to Do? Show a Little Heart and Soul

It was with great shame and building anger that I read in your paper (Aug. 17) about Linda Fisher of San Juan Capistrano.

Her home is an RV parked in her cousin’s driveway. Fisher, 41, spends most of the day inside, hooked to an intravenous unit. She had a leg amputated at age 3, and for the last 10 years she has had cancer. Because of the close quarters, she can get to the bathroom without help and do minor things in the kitchen. The RV is not just her home--it’s her world.

To the couple who complained that Fisher’s RV is lowering their property values--which led the city to order her and her “home” off the property by Aug. 27--I can only say that while Fisher’s RV may be an eyesore in your neighborhood, your heartlessness is a sore on the soul of us all.


Why not take her a magazine to read, a casserole to eat, a cat to pet or a tape to listen to? The woman is doing the best she can, living in a cramped RV because it affords her the last dignity and comfort she can find. In the excellent words of San Juan Capistrano Mayor Gary L. Hausdorfer, “every now and then we need to show a little heart and soul.”


Laguna Beach
