
North’s Backing of McClintock

I read with interest your report on Oliver North’s visit to Ventura County. I must say that I agree with Mr. North on two points:

1. “We need better government at each level.”

2. We must oust “career party hacks” controlled by special interest groups.

That’s why I can’t for the life of me understand why Mr. North was campaigning for Assemblyman Tom McClintock (R-Thousand Oaks). McClintock, more than anyone else in the Legislature, personifies what Mr. North thinks is wrong with our system.

McClintock began working for the state Senate right out of college. He then was elected to the Assembly and is trying to climb the political career ladder. He is strongly controlled by the insurance industry and corporate political-action committees.


Yes, Mr. North, it is time to get better government at each level. Let’s start with the state Assembly and get rid of one more “career party hack”--Tom McClintock.


