
Two Votes Against Measure M

After you pay your taxes, if you have any money left for such luxuries as food, the government has plans for that money.

The voters approved raising state gasoline taxes by 9 cents per gallon. The President saw that we like to pay more gasoline taxes so he plans to add another 12-cent-per-gallon tax on gasoline.

With gasoline taxes going up to a total of 39 cents per gallon, plus sales tax, the voters will surely think that is enough tax to pay on one item, so they will have the opportunity to raise Orange County sales taxes in November. The county supervisors appear to think we will eventually give in and impose this tax on ourselves.


This tax increase would fund more restricted lanes and rail systems that would be impractical for most of us to use but we might hope that others would use them so as to leave the freeways for us. Some of the revenue would probably go for toll roads in case we have money left after taxes to pay tolls. There might even be a little left for actual transportation needs.

The rail systems would be particularly beneficial toward our disposing of any money we might have left as they will require future taxes to subsidize operating expenses. Of course, any other money left can be used to pay off the bonds the voters keep approving.

If you are wealthy enough to be able to afford Measure M, you might have a heart for the low- and middle-income people.


BOB DINSEN, Garden Grove
