
Desert Protection Act

You painted a totally negative picture of progress on the California Desert Protection Act this fall but we don’t think of it that way (Part A, Oct. 9).

The Senate committee agreeing to take up the bill absent consensus by Sens. Alan Cranston and Pete Wilson was an unanticipated action; we applaud the effort. Senators both on and off the committee who have their heads stuck in the sand (dunes) over vague access arguments have missed the roar of the vehicles. Sen. James McClure (R-Ida.) won that round but he won’t be there next year and Sens. Dale Bumpers (D-Ark.) and J. Bennett Johnston (D-La.) will be. The tactic increased and solidified our strength for next year’s battles. We anticipate total victory next year.

JUDY ANDERSON, Director, California Desert Protection League, Los Angeles
