
Gubernatorial Campaign

I have to admit that I was undecided about the race for governor until just now. I was torn between voting for Feinstein, thus keeping a Washington politician out of Sacramento, or voting for Wilson, thus having a Republican governor to control the urges of the Democratic Legislature. We need checks and balances.

I will now vote for Wilson. The ad run by Feinstein regarding Wilson voting from his sick bed actually sickens me more than the way Wilson looked. I hate having my intelligence insulted. Does Feinstein think that the ad informs me in any way about her qualifications? About Wilson’s? Does she think that I am too stupid to realize that Sen. Bob Dole is joking?

Just to make sure that I am not as dumb as Feinstein seems to think, I will write “vote Wilson” on the palm of my hand so as not to forget what I am doing on election day.



Thousand Oaks
