
U.S. Mission in the Gulf

Is this the best that the left can do? Speaking as a “red diaper” baby, I remember asking my father why he went to war with Hitler and I remember his answer: “Because Hitler had to be stopped and war was the only way. There was no other alternative.” He went to war, not rashly, but deliberately, reading his copy of Walt Whitman to sustain him.

I can now see why the left is ineffective. It wants the easy way out; to look good without the pain of being good. This is what the left should be saying:

Liberate Kuwait --I cannot justify inaction when a population is being systematically destroyed. I hear nothing from the left of the plight of Sri Lankans, Indians, Egyptians, as well as Kuwaitis being tortured and murdered. Do we only liberate white Europeans?


Do not invade Iraq-- Continue the embargo even after Kuwait is liberated and extend it to include Western technicians without whose help Western technology does not work. Continue the military embargo even after Iraq has a government that does not torture and kill its population. I’m sure all hostages held at strategic installations in Iraq would prefer this policy.

I am appalled at the racism and envy of the left. This is not what my father and his generation did.


Huntington Park
