
IRS Agent Testifies in Trial of Deputies

An IRS agent testified Friday that six sheriff’s narcotics officers had thousands of dollars in unexplained income in the two-year period in which they are accused of stealing money from drug dealers and money launderers.

Deputy Eufrasio G. Cortez had a minimum of $276,739 in unexplained income for the years 1988 and 1989, said James L. Judd, who testified that he analyzed tax records and financial transactions relating to six of the seven officers on trial in Los Angeles for allegedly stealing $1.4 million. Cortez had the largest amount of unexplained income, he said, but five other deputies--Terrell H. Amers, Ronald E. Daub, Daniel M. Garner, James R. Bauder and Macario M. Duran--also had unreported income.

Judd admitted under cross-examination that he had not looked at cash accumulated by the deputies from sources such as inheritence and side businesses before Jan. 1, 1988--which could account for some of the income deemed unexplained. The prosecution is expected to rest its case Tuesday.
