
Making Up For Lost Time *** 1/2 K.T. OSLIN “Love in a Small Town” <i> RCA</i>

Oslin may have made a late start, releasing her debut album three years ago at age 45, but she’s more than made up for lost time, releasing three albums of sharply observed, honestly felt and effortlessly performed country songs.

Oslin possesses the writer’s crucial eye for detail--not just for its own sake, but for creating characters instead of caricatures. Her “Mary and Willi” are, in her words, “modern lovers who never met” because they foolishly cling to ideals of romantic perfection. And there’s probably nobody better at tossing off frisky invitations to love than Oslin: The delightful “Oo-Wee” is a reminder that it’s possible for two adults to be playful without being lascivious.

She handles everything from the the pop-flavored “Come Next Monday” that opens the album to the bluesy, ‘40s saw “You Call Everybody Darlin’ ” without ever sounding out of her league. She also benefits from stylish instrumental backing and some modestly innovative (for the genre) production work--not to mention a voice that’s sweet as cherry brandy, and every bit as potent.
