
Scale of the Jail: Why the Residents Are Worried

I live near the Gypsum Canyon area and have been wondering about a few things concerning the proposed jail.

The Riverside Freeway through the canyon is a virtual parking lot during rush hours and extremely crowded the rest of the time. How will the prisoners be able to get to their hearings and trials in Santa Ana?

Will the judges offer flexible hours? Will prisoners have to sit for hours in handcuffs on the freeway? Will it violate a prisoner’s civil rights to get up at 5 a.m. to make a 9 a.m. court date?


At least I can rest assured that any escaping prisoners will not make any fast getaways on the freeway. They’ll be on foot, running over hill and dale, probably landing in my back yard.

Maybe passes on the proposed Mag-Lev train would work.

