
The Hard Lesson of ‘Family of Felons’

Re “Spending 97 Months in Family of Felons” (Nov. 30): It’s hard to believe that Jacqueline Hendricks, with a master’s degree from Indiana University, could have been so naive as to think that someone would pay her $500 plus a plane ticket just to do an “innocent” favor. Perhaps it’s time that schools and universities put more focus on the concept that for the majority of us the only way to obtain money is to work for it.

Hendricks does not specify the offense, but leaves us to assume that she unwittingly became involved in drugs.

As to the length of her sentence, on a human level, I am sad for her. For a woman of her stature to be incarcerated is hard to accept. But would the punishment better fit the crime if one of her children were condemned to become a drug addict? That is what will happen to somebody’s children if people like Jacqueline Hendricks are not prevented from “helping” narcotics traffickers.



North Hollywood
