
COUNTYWIDE : College Trustees to Elect New Leaders

The Ventura County Community College District Board of Trustees on Tuesday is scheduled to elevate one of its five members to president of the board that governs the 33,000-student district.

The trustees will choose a replacement for Gregory Kampf, outgoing president, who has served for one year. They will also elect a new vice president, who will take over the position from Timothy Hirschberg.

The board will also elect a representative to serve on a county committee on school district organization. Traditionally, board members have chosen the vice president to move into the president’s position, said district spokeswoman Cathy Garnica.


District officials were uncertain whether trustee James T. (Tom) Ely would attend Tuesday’s meeting. Ely, who served as board president from 1988-89, has missed several meetings, including an October meeting at which his colleagues called for his resignation for allegedly overcharging the district more than $16,000 in expenses.

Ely is recovering from back surgery, Garnica said.

The college district board oversees management of Moorpark, Oxnard and Ventura colleges.

After the election Tuesday, the board will hold a brief reception to honor outgoing president Kampf and the newly elected leaders.
