
Traffic Deaths Near Border

Regarding the column “A Deadly Game in the Fast Lane,” by Robert A. Jones (Part A, Dec. 11):

It is most likely true that the freeways just north of the Mexican border slaughter more humans each year than any equivalent stretch of interstate in the nation. But Jones is so thoroughly confused as to what laws are made for that he makes several incomprehensible suggestions. He suggests that we build freeway overpasses or reduce the number of lanes on the freeways. To propose a “safe” crossing for illegals is like opening the bank vaults and inviting the crooks to rob the bank. In the eyes of the law, both crossing the border without legal papers and robbing a bank are illegal and should be prohibited. Who does Jones propose should pay for this “safe crossing?”

We do need to address the problem of all illegal immigration, but to follow Jones’ suggestion is absurd. Of course, we would not place a barrier on the median strip if 200 white middle-class teen-agers had been run down. We would ask what they were doing there, and secondly, how to deter that behavior.



Long Beach
