
Southeast : Residents Urged to Recycle Discarded Christmas Trees

Still wondering what to do with that dry Christmas tree? Officials in Cerritos, Commerce and Downey are urging residents to participate in Christmas tree recycling programs. The old trees will be collected by special trash trucks, then ground up and used by the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts as mulch, compost or landfill cover.

Discarded trees will be picked up on residents’ usual trash disposal days. Decorations, metal stands and nails must be removed. Trees more than 4 feet tall should be cut in half. Trees in bags will not be accepted, although trees that have been flocked or that have wooden stands on them are OK.

In Cerritos, trash collectors will gladly haul trees away up until next Wednesday. if residents will put them at the curb on their regular trash collection day.


Commerce trash workers will pick up trees, as is, from residents’ curbs this week. Commerce residents can obtain more information by calling 722-4805, ext. 2211.

More information about the Downey program can be obtained by calling 869-7331, ext. 266.
